
Full Stack Developer

Inventive Full-Stack Developer creates novel site designs and innovative user interfaces. Known for architecting customer-facing products that deliver unique experiences while complying with internal coding standards and technical requirements. Clever provider of fresh assets to grow usership.

My Portfolio

Doctor Appointment App

A doctor appointment app that allows users to book appointments with various doctors.

Developed With: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS

Github Live Site

Project Management App

A project managment app that allows users to create task and see other users task aswell.

Developed With: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Firebase

Github Live Site

Cocktails App

A cocktail app that displays every cocktail by pulling data from a cocktail api.

Developed With: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS

Github Live Site

Pong App

A simple pong game that was developed with vanialla javascript.

Developed With: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Canvas

Github Live Site

CSS Grid App

A css app that show cases the use of SASS and Grids.

Developed With: HTML, CSS

Github Live Site